After nearly a year in R&D, the Love Elemental's body's hardware is pretty much done.

She's got 7 working segments with custom electronics and controls: each segment has a 120MHz Cortex M4 microcontroller that handles the LED visualization, motion planning, battery charging, and CAN-FD communication. The 'head' (which is a stopgap for the real thing) has a Lattepanda Alpha, which is a crazy-fast nearly 4GHz x86 board that's the size of a raspberry pi.

With the LEDs mounted on the ribs, the fur effect is definitely looking awesome!

The actuators are Lynxmotion LSS-HT, but I'm running into issues with overtorque or shutdown situations. Hopefully it isn't long before Ellie is swimming across the floor.
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What a beast!
Looks as if one of those prehistoric mega-centipedes mated with a vacuum cleaner or something :D
Hope you'll post a video of it in action when you get done with the software. Very cool!
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