"That's stupid! Why use an Arduino when you could do the same thing with a 555?"
Ok, so now is your chance to put up or shut up. Here's a 555 in traditional Arduino UNO form factor.
Specifically designed for old school analogue tinkerers.
No need to learn a flashy, confusing new fangled IDE. Analogue programming is simple and easy with two resistors and a capacitor using the Integrated Simple Analogue Programming Interface (ISAPI).
Pin compatible with most Arduino shields (functionality may be limited).
Trollduino adapted Blink sketch:
- Install the following code:
R1 = 1k;
R2 = 68k;
C = 10uF;
- This sketch uses the integral output LED. An external load can be added by selecting and connecting an output pin on the Output Connection Distributer (OCD).
- Select the voltage source. You can use a 5V USB supply from your a PC or wall-wart or connect a 9 - 12V supply to the barrel connector. If you have both connected, either will do. Who cares?
- Enjoy the blinking!
This is version 1.0 of a silly joke. There are a couple of errors and a few changes I would make if I was going to continue with development.
First, I forgot to add mounting holes in the gerber. I'm also considering breaking out R1, R2 and C connections to the 6 analogue pins.
Note that use of Comic Sans is not an error.
The circuit and layout were designed using Design Spark V9 from RS Components.
The PCB's were fabricated using Seed Studios Fusion service.
Shoutout to my local makerspace the Perth Artifactory.
If there is any interest (and I get around to it) I'll fix the gerbers and add them to the project files here.
Jumper functions:
There are jumpers on the reverse side of the board for diconnecting various components and to assist in changing circuit function from astable to monostable if required:
DISC | CLOSED | Disconnect Discharge pin from R1/R2 junction |
THRSH | CLOSED | Disconnect Threshhold pin from R2 / C junction |
TRIG | CLOSED | Disconnect Trigger pin from Threshhold pin |
CONT | CLOSED | Disconnect Control voltage pin from decoupling capacitor |
OUT_H | OPEN | Bypass 220 ohm output resistor (OUTput Hard) |
LED | CLOSED | Disconnect output LED |
RST_H | OPEN | Bypass Reset pullup Resistor (ReSeT_Hard) WARNING! RST_B MUST BE CUT IF RST_H IS CLOSED! |
RST_B | CLOSED | Disconnect Reset button and pin (ReSeT_Button) WARNING! RST_B MUST BE CUT IF RST_H IS CLOSED! |
I’m giving one of these to my engineering teacher, one to a friend that thinks I’m too obsessed with 555s, and keeping one for myself. I love the concept.