
Backlog: Tasting what I cook. Tastes like a hovercraft.

A project log for Cardboard Hovercraft Robot

Answering the question: Why aren't there more robotic hovercrafts?

cruz-monrreal-iiCruz Monrreal II 07/06/2014 at 19:000 Comments

For the past few months, I've been working on a Robotics BoosterPack (Tiva Launchpad equivalent of a shield) aimed to make building robots much easier. Well, I've finally reached a point in which I want to make sure that what I'm making actually makes sense; I want to put the project through its paces.

However, I'd also like to use this as a useful tangent to learn more skills and broaden my experience with things I already know. This is why I'm aiming to make an Autonomous Hovercraft and enter it into Sparkfun 's Autonomous Vehicle Competition.

I have several goals with this project that I'd like to hit:

- Put Robotics BoosterPack through its paces

- Re-familiarize myself with Android programming

- Make a Hovercraft

- Learn how to use and debug Bluetooth, GPS, IMU, OpenCV

- Put everything together and make it all autonomous!

I have no idea whether I'll be able to hit everything on the list, but there's no sense in not trying!
