
Backlog: Austin Mini Maker Faire

A project log for Cardboard Hovercraft Robot

Answering the question: Why aren't there more robotic hovercrafts?

cruz-monrreal-iiCruz Monrreal II 07/06/2014 at 23:130 Comments

Where does the time go? Just like that the Austin Mini Maker Faire (AMMF) has come and gone, and it was a blast!

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to get to the Hovercraft App since tackling the firmware issues took longer than expected. For most of the event, the robots were display only since I didn't have a good way to control them. Since the venue was crowded, I didn't want to risk having people step on the bots, or have the bots lose communication and simply walk off.

Although there were a few disappointed faces that I knew I just couldn't appease, I was able to throw together an app by the last hour to control both robots. Sure enough, the Hovercraft, with very little resistance to the concrete floor, was very difficult to control. I couldn't get the finesse to have it go in a straight line, and if it spun out of control, I could very rarely bring it back to control.

This is the first time that I gave the Hovercraft design a good breaking in, but I'll need to do something else. As it stands, I have to constantly tell the thrust EDF to spin clockwise to counteract the torque being created by the hover EDFs. I'm not exactly sure what I could try, but as it stands, I don't need that much thrust to get the craft to hover. I think I can get away with only one hover EDF with a better chamber. I'm also thinking that getting rid of the servo and trying differential thrust control for steering might work out.
