It's been a while since the last time I wrote stuff about the adapter, but I've been working into something behind the scenes!
Now I have PCBs! : D
It's a custom design for the exact same thing you can see in the protoboards: attiny85 + usb stuff + wii connector + status led. Nothing more, nothing less. Featuring:
- Designed with KiCad (from the schematics to the gerber files). This was actually my third PCB attemps (after the dices)
- Also first time I made a custom symbol for something to be added on a manufactured board (I couldn't find any wiimote connector symbol, so I measured everything and made my own design - and it works really nice! : D)
- The first batch was almost useless because I messed up with the wii connector and mirrored some pins (my bad! :_ D), so this is actually the SECOND group of boards I ordered.
- I added a breakout for an AVR programmer in case I wanna reflash the firmware without removing the micro.
And that's it! I ordered 10 units and tested a couple of them and everything seems to work fine both with SNES and NES Mini controllers (although the SNES Mini one requires some special boot sequence, so it needs to be plugged BEFORE powering up the device - yup, a firmware update is required to handle this via software, indeed).
I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in having one of those boards (since it seems I may have some spares after this first experiment). I'm thinking maybe on some small shop or delivery mechanism, but honestly I don't know. Let me know if you're interested and your thoughts about the whole project!
As next steps:
- Some firmware updates (autoconnect detection for the SNES Mini variant, basically)
- Sell / distribute / share the boards if someone is interested? Not sure about this, but I'll think about it.
- Convert it into a multi-controller universal adapter like the many you can find out there on the Internet (I started this one partially inspired by this old Retro Adapter I read about). But I'm almost sure this approach will require a different micro with more pins than the attiny85...
- Maybe I make a fancy 3d-printed box for the board with my raw-box-designing skills.
And that's everything I have for this update! Let me know any question or suggestion you may have about the project! : D
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