Some days ago, I began to develop a unit capable to compare two numbers in order to add this capacity to my Paper Clip Computer.
Yeah, I know, I know.... the numbers that this computer can manage are small how to need a "comparator unit" but the pleasure was not in the "needed" but to build it and add it.
Searching the Internet I did not find a four-bit comparator circuit without chips; my goal was to follow the principles and philosophy of the computer: no chips, just basic electronic components and switches.
As I did not find any circuit, based on the book I created mine which is the one that I expose below.

This circuit is capable of comparing two four-bit numbers with the only limitation that both must be positive or negative; if one of them is negative, this will be the lowest.
I will try to build the circuit that will be integrated into the computer (and the drum) in a blank panel that is on the left of the model and it will look like this:
The comparator will add one more command:
whose parameters will be:
COMP <Word 1> <Word 2>
and Word n should indicate:
- two of the five memory locations
- accumulator and a memory location
- the Encoder
The result of these two parameters will indicate whether:
Word 1 = Word 2
Word 1 < Word 2
in the light panel.
The operation
The operation will be simple:
Step 1: Indicate is whether the numbers will be positive or negative.
Step 2: Select the position of the individual bits.
Answer: Read the result and use it according to the instructions of the program.
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