
2 part cookie cutter

A project log for Starship cookies

Another abandoned art project manely involving a 3D printed cookie cutter

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 08/15/2024 at 21:180 Comments

There was some footage of a 2 part cookie cutter being used on gingerbread.  It's limited to flat gingerbread which has been rolled flat.  There's some manual alignment.  It manages to retain its shape.  The mane showstopper has been the idea of discarding the cookie cutter after 1 use.

The lion kingdom was pondering a 2 part mould  which split down the middle.  The problems were always how to allocate the right amount of food & how to ensure the thicker parts of a 3D model cooked.  Now, it's more likely any cookie is going to need to be 2D with just a line pattern scored on top. 
