
Revision A board testing

A project log for eMBee ONE pocket computer

A 1980s style 8-bit computer running BASIC. Includes OLED screen and a QWERTY keyboard. Oh, and the whole thing fits in an Altoids tin.

matthew-beggMatthew Begg 08/30/2024 at 09:250 Comments

I've now built the first 'production ready' eMBee ONE using one of the 5 Rev A boards I got from JLCPCB. There was a tense moment before I flicked the power switch on for the first time and... worked! 

There are a number of issues that I'll definitely need to sort out before they're ready to distribute:

Hopefully won't take me long to get those issues ironed out and get a new set of boards ordered. In the meantime I'm super pleased that the general design works! Still to test:
