
All quiet at eMBee HQ!

A project log for eMBee ONE pocket computer

A 1980s style 8-bit computer running BASIC. Includes OLED screen and a QWERTY keyboard. Oh, and the whole thing fits in an Altoids tin.

matthew-beggMatthew Begg 03/22/2021 at 09:450 Comments

Hi all,

Just a quick update as you haven't heard from me in a while. Since the last update, I have started to move the project to a single veroboard/stripboard design, still using an Arduino Nano module, CardKB keyboard, 24LC256 EEPROM etc. But because I've changed my mind so much in the past, I've ended up struggling to desolder various pins and wires from each module (particularly the 1.54 inch OLED and the Adafruit PowerBoost). So I thought to make it easier, I'd order another screen. Which made me debate going back to the 'big' 2.42 inch OLED or stick with the 1.54 inch. You'll remember that my previous 2.42 inch display kept dimming at random intervals. But I'm assured that isn't expected behaviour and it must've been a faulty unit. So I have reluctantly ordered another 2.42 inch display from eBay. Will take about a month to come, so not much will happen with the project until it arrives. But then it should be full steam ahead with a new final unit being prepared, and the 3D printed parts being designed. Exciting!

Previous comments on this project have included suggestions of various features to be added, which go beyond my original vision. Let me know in the comments below if you think I've got the balance right between simplicity, nostalgia and features.
