
Using a PIC16F18446 is a lot easier

A project log for 7 Segment Display Module using DM9368N

Handy 7 seg module that crams two DM9368N and two digits onto a single board that I can plug in on my breadboards.

john-lonerganJohn Lonergan 05/02/2021 at 21:092 Comments

I'm about to update the successor project to cover the latest variant of that board.

The DM9368 is a classic part but at £5 each and the counterfeiting I'm not interested. The PIC costs about £1 and I need only one PIC for the pair of digits whereas the DM9368 needs one per digit. So it's £10 vs £2 for a much more appealing result. 

A big advandage fo the use the PIC is that I have been able to build a module that's no bigger in real estate than the two seven sebment displays themselves.

My advice is to abandon attempts to use the DM9368 at al for this kind of application 

I doubt I'll post here again.

You can see the progression in the design below. On the right is the DM9368 model and the two on the left are the PIC models.


Dave's Dev Lab wrote 05/03/2021 at 16:34 point

awesome stuff!

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John Lonergan wrote 05/04/2021 at 11:16 point

Appreciated ... check out

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