
ESP32 Smart Battery Isolator for 4x4s and Caravans

This project's aim is to create hardware, software and an enclosure to be used as a smart battery isolator to protect the start battery.

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The Smart Battery Isolator (SBI) is a device that will sit inline between a vehicle's start battery and its auxiliary battery in order to provide smarter control logic for charging and loads. There are three inputs and three outputs for the starter battery, auxiliary battery, MPPT charger, fridge, freezer and lights.

The unit is efficient, going to sleep in-between polling cycles and utilising components with low current leakage. All connectors are XT-60 in either the relevant male or female variants. The system is powered from the auxiliary battery and runs at a nominal voltage of 12V (+/-4V).

There is a small OLED screen that is capable of displaying voltages and current info, as well as alerts and mode of operation. WiFi for debugging and bluetooth for phone app control.

There is a physical mode set button as well as a BOOT and RST button for programming of the ESP32 using MicroPython.
  • 7 × C1, C2, C5, C6, C9, C10, C12 LCSC: C14663 - 0603 100nF Capacitor
  • 4 × C3, C4, C7, C11 LCSC: C169224 - CASE A 1uF Tantalum Capacitor
  • 2 × R11, R13 LCSC: C4216 - 33k 0603 Resistor
  • 8 × R2, R3, R5, R6, R7, R18, R21, R23 LCSC: C22980 - 3.6k 0603 Resistor
  • 1 × R26 LCSC: C23138 - 330R 0603 Resistor

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mosaicmerc wrote 07/28/2021 at 05:01 point

This is interesting, but i can find no specifications indicating the ESP32 is AEC 101 or 102 rated for automotive purposes.

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