

Annoy your coworkers with this little circuit!

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Note: This project is no longer updated here. Please see my GitHub for the most up-to-date files and information:

I designed this project as part of my weekly PCB challenge in 2020. I wanted to prank my coworkers by playing random noises around the office, so I put this together!
The circuit works by reading a random audio file from the SD card, and playing it over the speaker. Once the file is played, the circuit goes to sleep for a random amount of time. The average length of the sleep time can be adjusted with one of the two potentiometers, with the other setting the volume.
The circuit can be powered with a LiPo battery, or with USB-C. When plugged in, the board also charges the attached LiPo battery.

Annoy-A-Tron Schematic.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 87.43 kB - 02/21/2021 at 04:53


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Dan Maloney wrote 02/26/2021 at 18:19 point

Back when I had coworkers, I was able to annoy them regularly all by myself, and I don't even have a 555 on-board. As far as I know.

j/k, I really like your "PCB a week" challenge. Did you find you were able to keep it up through all of 2020? Do you think it helped in any way?

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