1. Functional architecture
At present the system is functional and works reasonably well, regarding electronics and the mechanical assembly there is a lot still that can be improved (e.g. different or more sensors, fluid level measurement).
2. Camera Pi module
Example snap-shot.

3. Possible SW developments
This project leaves plenty of room for experimentation and further improvements (not only in regards to SW).
One future concept in regards to SW might be about developing more sophisticated control loops for an entirely automated system, adaptable for different kinds of plants.
One can also envision an ML algorithm of sorts, what would entail gathering, analyzing and processing long-term sensor data.
Hello nodemcu12ecanada (cannot reply directly to your comment),
yes I use MQTT (in other projects) and I am familiar with it. Very convenient indeed.
But given the current project status I will now stick to python and shell scripts because that works just well.