Makefile is provided to compile on the command line, or you can use codeblocks.
This will generate a static library usable for your own projects.
An example project is provided which shows how to link with this library.
Decompress the library and the example project in the same folder, in which you created an include and lib folders.
Make and install the library first:
Change to the 'mcurses' folder, run 'make' and 'make install'
Change to 'test-mcurses' and run 'make'
Binaries should be ready for uploading to the Netburner.
An example for STM32F4 that links the static mcurses library. it also uses the redirect target.
See How to Use printf on STM32
The name when unzipped will be Z80-softmicro. For now, I tested mcurses with it.