
WIP* Functional Improved R.O.B. robot with Android

I plan to create a new version of the R.O.B. robot that can be controlled from an android device.

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Using 3d Printers, an android device, an arduino mega and some new updated sensors I plan to make a new and improved ROB robot while trying to keep it looking like the old one. I plan to use newer stronger motors, vision cameras in the eyes, speakers and some cool automatic functions. This is not intended to work with Gyromite or Stack Em... AVGN warned me. Instead this is to be a cool animatronic decorative item. If things go well I would like to integrate google home assistant or alexa functions with a raspberry pi in the future. All body parts will be 3d printed (with slight improvements) to make this printable on any 7 inch x 7 inch x 7 inch printer (Prusa Mini or bigger). I am starting from drawings, a photogrammetry model from to start my design. I will post regular updates of my files. If you have any better models please let me know!

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