With the architecture of the main system out of the way, my biggest focus at this point was the Graphics card itself. and figuring it out.
Since as I have stated before, if we cant figure out the graphics card, in a graphics machine, we are hosed before we even start.
So... Once again we perform what we did with the CPU card, analyze the PALs to figure out the memory addressing of the graphics card.
Like so:

This is basically the memory map of the Graphics board. If you noticed from the previous articles, the main CPU does not have access to, nor can directly access the Graphics card's memory space.
The graphics card has its own memory space. So the only way to communicate between the main CPU and graphics CPU is through the doorbell interrupt to the graphics card, and shared memory space on the VME Bus. (Main CPU Bus).
The other thing to keep in mind here is how the Graphics card accesses the main system bus. it does so through a Write Only paging register, and a 128K paging buffer. Since the Paging register is write-only, it cannot be read or its state saved! Therefore, extra precaution has to be taken when using the system bus in a multitasking operating system. Ideally, a Mutex.

Interrupts are fairly simple on this card. Nothing special, there is a Vertical interrupt, and the Doorbell interrupt from the main CPU.
If you look at the memory map, this card is manually vectored. So you would load the IVEC register with the appropriate interrupt vector number, and then trigger the IRQ back to the main CPU card. with any 68K system, you could have multiple ISRs to handle different things. This is necessary for inter-process communication between the two cards.
The Framebuffer RAM is standard DRAM. This RAM's access is interleaved between the pixel clock/rasterization logic, and the main CPU. So the CPU access to this RAM is "vampire" or bottlenecked. One of the biggest bottlenecks in the WS4000 system. the VME Bus paged-access is another one.
There is another CPU on the graphics card, and that is the intel 8031 (MCS51) that sits alongside the 68K. This is the framebuffer control CPU, and the communication between the 68K and this CPU is one-way only. through a FIFO. This too has to be under a Mutex lock. Otherwise, you can/will crash the CPU if you malform the command.
Stay tuned for more graphics card details and first signs of life!
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