
Countdown timer done!

A project log for DingWatch 0.3

Eventually, a SAMD21-based digital watch I'd actually want to wear.

kinetic-labsKinetic Labs 04/28/2021 at 05:580 Comments

Last week I had some more time to work on the DingWatch. The Pebble had an app I was quite fond of called Timer+, which in a rather beautiful way combined a stopwatch with a countdown timer. I aim to achieve something similar with my StopWTimer screen, but for now I have a working countdown timer! There's still some things to iron out, but it works! It even kicks you back onto the StopWTimer screen when the timer ends if you left it mid-countdown.

Next up will be a counting-up timer with lap functions. From there a on-the-fly time zone selector will likely be my next feature to add.

Exciting times ahead!

Here's a demo video of my recent progress:


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