
IMU Tap detection

A project log for RoDog

3D printed Quadruped Robot

wissam-tedrosWissam Tedros 11/09/2023 at 22:290 Comments

no buttons, no switches, no touch screens! the LSM6ds032X has a neat little feature that detects taps, double taps along the 3 axis x y and z, so here's a quick test that enables the robot to only wake up when I tap on its top cover :)

this wake up routine was only possible thanks to the analog position feedback that i implemented using the existing potentiometers available from the servo's feedback loop, as to start up, the dog must know its position at power up, which is only possible when you have a position sensor on each joint, and instead of adding 12 more sensors to do that, I simply added an additional wire that hooks to the middle pin of the potentiometer inside!


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