it was necessary to shrink the pin change irq to fit within the timing necessary to attend the Z80.

Doing the Math I should be spending 1us to output the code, counting the IRQ latency, but I have seen some figures of up to 3.25us which is barely enough.
It should be possible to increase this margin by changing the crystal to 20MHz, but I am testing with an arduino board (at 16MHz).
The code uses some tricks to save clock cycles like saving the registers r26 and r27 on general purpose I/O registers available in ATMega328, and using the __zero_reg__ to store the flags
volatile uint8_t zero = 0;
asm volatile ( // 7 instrucoes de latencia até aqui
"in __zero_reg__,__SREG__ \n\t" // 1 Salva registrador de Status
"out %[_GPIOR1],r26\n\t" // 1 salva registro em 1 ciclo
"out %[_GPIOR2],r27\n\t" // 1 salva registro em 1 ciclo
"ldi r27,hi8(Keymap)\n\t" // 1 Ponteiro X = endereço de Keymap
"in r26,%[_PINC] \n\t" // 1
"subi r26, lo8(-(Keymap)) \n\t" // 1
"ld 26,X \n\t" // 2 lê coluna correspondente do mapa de teclas
"out %[_DDRD] ,r26 \n\t" // 1 escreve na porta B da PPI
// até aqui 16 instruções (1us @16Mhz)
"in r26, %[_GPIOR1] \n\t"
"in r27, %[_GPIOR2] \n\t"
"sbi %[_PCIFR],1 \n\t" // reset interrupt bit
"out __SREG__,__zero_reg__ \n\t" // restaura registrador de Status
"lds __zero_reg__, zero \n\t"
"reti \n\t"
::[_PINC] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PINC) ),
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