
ROSJava fork complete

A project log for ROSCOE - A Scalable, Platform Independent Robot

A new algebraic machine cognition model and a novel machine vision architecture

j-groffJ Groff 07/13/2014 at 20:030 Comments

Completed fork of ROSJava. Removed dependency on Google collections and assertion framework. Replaced with standard java collections and 'assert' keyword.

System is inexorably tied to Jetty 'netty' package for ChannelBuffer byte buffer as it generates references in message binding classes. The final tally of third party libs is as follows:

Jars required for ROSJava (ROSCOE fork)

commons-net-1.4.1 - 177k

commons-pool-1.6 - 109k

netty-3.2.0.Final - 930k

commons-lang-2.6 - 278k

ws-commons-util-1.0.1 - 35k

commons-httpclient-3.1 - 298k

commons-collections-2.1.1 - 172k

commons-digester-1.8.1 - 143k

commons-logging-1.1.2 - 61k

total - 2203k
