Here are some Specs and Need to Know's for operating the Morgan Injection Molder.
Model G-125T
7.5 cu. in. (5 oz.) max. single shot
20-ton max. clamping force (toggle).
9,000 psi max. injection pressure
0-800°F (0-430°C) temperature control range
Mold plan area: 8″ x 11″ (maximum)
Utilities required: Electrical 120 volts AC or 240 volts;
Compressed air to 160 psi (max.) 1 CFM (max.)
I think that the machine itself is somewhere around $12,000 - $15,000.00... plus there is the power/electrical and compressed air setup that adds to the cost of having the machine... so it's about $20K at the end of the day... This one has been here for a couple years, and I'm not certain how it made it's way into the lab...
I have this exact machine for sale if anyone is looking, new un used. 10k