
Entirely HTML, simple teleprompter

I was learning javascript, so wanted to make a teleprompter webpage.

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A completely free teleprompter, HTML/javascript based teleprompter. You are welcome, internet.

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    sciencedude199004/01/2021 at 03:40 0 comments

    <title>Scroll Test</title>

    // State for the play/stop button
    // 0 for stop, 1 for just started playing, 2 for playing
    var state = 0;

    // Speed for scrolling
    var speed = 1;

    // Variable for tracking scroll position, with fine granularity
    var trackScroll = 0;

    // Variable to hold the interval (for periodic update every 80 ms)
    var myinterval = setInterval(updateDisplayArea, 80);

    function updateDisplayArea() {

    if (state == 1) {
    // User just pressed the play button

    // Set the scroll bar in the textarea to 0
    var txtArea = document.getElementById("theText");
    trackScroll = txtArea.scrollTop * 20;

    // Set the state to 2
    state = 2;
    else if (state == 2) {
    // Now playing...

    var txtArea = document.getElementById("theText");
    var scrollRange = txtArea.scrollHeight - txtArea.offsetHeight;

    // Only adjust the scroll bar if there is enough text
    if (scrollRange > 0) {
    // Increment the variable
    trackScroll = trackScroll + speed;

    // Divide by 20 and round
    var temp = Math.round(trackScroll / 20);

    // If the value in temp is less than the maximum scroll
    if (temp <= scrollRange) {
    txtArea.scrollTop = temp;
    else {
    // Back to stop
    state = 0;
    else {
    // Back to stop
    state = 0;
    else if (state == 0) {
    // State is stop, so make sure the button says play
    var temp = document.getElementById("btnPlay");
    temp.innerHTML = "Play";

    // Update the label to indicate the speed
    var temp = document.getElementById("btnSpeed");
    temp.innerHTML = speed;


    // Copy the text from the source to the teleprompter
    function mrCopy() {
    var txtArea = document.getElementById("theText");

    var txtSource = document.getElementById("theSource");

    txtArea.value = txtSource.value;

    // Call to change the state of the play button
    function mrPlay() {
    if (state == 0) {
    state = 1;
    var temp = document.getElementById("btnPlay");
    temp.innerHTML = "Stop";
    else {
    state = 0;
    var temp = document.getElementById("btnPlay");
    temp.innerHTML = "Play";

    // Call to change the speed
    function mrSpeed(dir) {

    if ((speed + dir) < 0) {
    speed = 0;
    else {
    speed = speed + dir;

    // window.alert("Speed: " + speed);


    <textarea id="theText" name="theText" rows="16" cols="50" spellcheck="false" style="transform:scaleX(-1); transform:scaleY(-1); background-color:black; color:white; font-size:200%; text-align:center">
    <button id="btnPlay" style="font-size : 20px" onmouseup="mrPlay()">Play</button> 
    <button id="btnSpeedUp" style="font-size : 20px" onmouseup="mrSpeed(+1)"> + </button> 
    <button id="btnSpeedDown" style="font-size : 20px" onmouseup="mrSpeed(-1)"> - </button> 
    <button id="btnSpeed" style="font-size : 20px"> 1 </button>
             <button id="btnCopy" style="font-size : 20px" onmouseup="mrCopy()">Copy</button>

    <textarea id="theSource" name="theSource" rows="16" cols="50" style="font-size:200%">
    Test test


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