I have the permanent need to monitor stuff through their Serial TX/RX. Which a normal USB/TTL Adapter you can get cheap. Problem starts when you need many.
You need multiple USB Ports to plug them, but also they register (changing) with various virtual com ports.
QUADROPUS provides 4x virtual COM ports (UART) on your single USB-C Interface.
It also exposes RTS/CTS pins - those come in handy as triggers. Mostly you dont need them for Serial comms but you can trigger HI/LO on them using a 5 liner in python. Poors man GPIO.
The heart of QUADROPUS is a Silabs CP2108 - most know the younger brother, CP2102 - a single USB/TTL Chip.
Silabs Drivers are good quality, provide quick fixes and updates and arwe available for all major OS.