//code of Universal Internet Connected Remote Control
// idea form maker.io
//made by RVS Aditya From HackAtech Industries
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#define LED_PIN 5
#define STORAGE_SIZE 5
const char* ssid = "YOUR_NETWORK_NAME";
const char* pass = "NETWORK_PASSWORD";
WiFiServer server(80);
IRsend sender(LED_PIN);
long codes[STORAGE_SIZE] = {0x00123,0x02,0xAB,0x0F,0x0};
bool stored[STORAGE_SIZE] = {true,false,false,false,false};
int protocols[STORAGE_SIZE] = {0,1,1,0,1};
// Function Prototypes
int containsValidIndex(String);
String findParameterValue(String, String);
void setup()
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.println("Starting server...");
Serial.print("Server started with address ");
void loop()
// Check for incoming connections
WiFiClient c = server.available();
// Read the first line of the HTTP request
// It contains something similar to the following line:
// METHOD /requested_url HTTP_VERSION
// for example:
// GET /send?value=0x0085&protocol=NEC HTTP/1.1
// However, for the sake of simplicity this device only accepts
// GET requests as they can be sent with any web browser.
// Updating values this way is not the 'correct' way according to
// the HTTP standard but it makes using the device easier.
String request = c.readStringUntil('\r');
int error = 0;
int value = request.indexOf("value=");
int protocol = request.indexOf("protocol=");
int index = request.indexOf("index=");
int snd = request.indexOf("/send");
int str = request.indexOf("/store");
int del = request.indexOf("/delete");
// The following few if/else-statements parse the incoming request
// and then execute the action that the user requested.
// The user requested the send page and did not include /store or /delete in their request
if (snd != -1 && str == -1 && del == -1)
// The user requested the send page and included a value for the index
if(index != -1)
// Check if the supplied index is valid (i.e. at least zero and less than STORAGE_SIZE)
// And check if the values array contains an entry at the requested position
// First, get the value of the parameter as a string
String index_string = findParameterValue(request, "index");
// Next, convert it to an integer and check whether the value is valid
int i = containsValidIndex(index_string);
if(i > -1 && stored[i])
// The parameter was valid. Repeat the stored value!
// Make sure to verify the bit length for your remotes!
// I used 32 and 14 in this program, but yours might vary
if(protocols[i] == 0)
sender.sendNEC(codes[i], 32);
sender.sendRC5(codes[i], 14);
Serial.print("Repeat the value stored at position ");
// The user supplied the wrong parameters for this request.
error = 1;
Serial.print("Unknown request: ");
// The user requested the /store page and the request didn't include
// the /send or /delete page
else if(str != -1 && snd == -1 && del == -1)
// The user supplied the wrong parameters for this request.
// (Either of the three parameters is missing)
if(index == -1 || protocol == -1 || value == -1)
error = 1;
Serial.print("BAD REQUEST. Missing field: ");
String p = findParameterValue(request, "protocol");
String v = findParameterValue(request, "value");
int i = containsValidIndex(findParameterValue(request, "index"));
// Check if the supplied index is valid
if(i > -1)
Serial.print("Store ");
Serial.print(" for protocol ");
Serial.print(" on position ");
codes[i] = strtol(v.c_str(), NULL, 16);
protocols[i] = (p == "NEC") ? 0 : 1;
stored[i] = true;
// The user requested the /delete page and the request didn't include
// the /send or /delete page
else if(del != -1 && str == -1 && snd == -1)
// The /delete page requires the index to work. It ignores the other parameters.
// So if the request didn't include the index, then answer with an error
if(index == -1)
error = 1;
Serial.print("BAD REQUEST. Missing field: ");
int i = containsValidIndex(findParameterValue(request, "index"));
if(i > -1 && stored[i])
stored[i] = false;
Serial.print("Delete the value stored on position ");
// Return the response
// If no error occurred, send an HTML page that lists the stored codes
// and that contains two forms for managing them (add new ones and delete existing codes).
if(error == 0)
/* HTML code omitted! */
// Return a response header
/* HTML error response omitted! */
int containsValidIndex(String index_string)
// First check whether the string only contains digits
for(int i = 0; i < index_string.length(); i++)
return -1;
// Then convert the string to an int and repeat the stored valud at that
// position in the array (if the index is valid)
int index_num = index_string.toInt();
if(index_num >= 0 && index_num < STORAGE_SIZE)
return index_num;
return -1;
String findParameterValue(String request, String param_name)
int param_name_length = param_name.length()+1;
// First, dispose of everything in the request that comes prior to the index parameter
String tmp = request.substring(request.indexOf(param_name));
// Then check whether the remaining part of the request (everything that comes after
// the request=... part of the URL) contains more paramters (they are separated by
// ampersand characters (&)).
if(tmp.indexOf("&") != -1)
// If there are more parameters, the value of the index sits between the
// parameter name (index=) and the next ampersand (&).
// For example: URL?index=5&other_param=24 (...)
return tmp.substring(param_name_length, tmp.indexOf("&"));
// Otherwise, the value of interest comes right before the next
// whitespace character like this:
// URL?index=5 HTTP(...)
return tmp.substring(param_name_length, tmp.indexOf(" "));
//project made by R.V.S.Aditya From HackAtech Industries
written in Arduino editor by RVS Aditya
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