
Writing an Assembler

A project log for 2:5 Scale KENBAK-1 Personal Computer Reproduction

Make a working reproduction of the venerable KENBAK-1 with a fully integrated development environment including an Assembler and Debugger.

michael-gardiMichael Gardi 04/06/2021 at 02:060 Comments

The KENBAK-1 was intended for the education market. As a result the documentation is excellent. The Programming Reference Manual has all of the information necessary to construct an Assembler for the KENBAK-1 computer:

The Symbolic Representation of Instructions section of the manual gives some guidance as to the abbreviations to be used and the layout for "written" symbolic KENBAK-1 instructions including how to represent the various addressing modes. For the most part I followed these guidelines. I couldn't however bring myself to use NOOP for the no op instruction (I used NOP) and I felt that +X worked better to represent Indexed addressing mode as opposed to ,X. I had a lot of fun trying to come up with a consistent overall look for the instructions. 

So in the end I came up with the following document which I feel represents everything I need to provide in a "minimal viable assembler" (MVA) for my KENBAK-2/5 machine.

Assembler Syntax

add    [A|B|X],[constant|address]            ;[I|M|(M)|M+X|(M)+X]
sub    [A|B|X],[constant|address]            ;
load   [A|B|X],[constant|address]            ;
store  [A|B|X],[constant|address]            ;
and    [A],[constant|address]                ;
or     [A],[constant|address]                ;
lneg   [A],[constant|address]                ;

jmp    [A|B|X],[NE|EQ|LT|GE|GT|GLE],address  ;[M|(M)]
jmk    [A|B|X],[NE|EQ|LT|GE|GT|GLE],address  ;

skp    [7|6|5|5|4|3|2|1|0],[0|1],address     ;[M]
set    [7|6|5|5|4|3|2|1|0],[0|1],address     ;

sft    [A|B],[L|R],[1|2|3|4]
rot    [A|B],[L|R],[1|2|3|4]


org    constant                              ;[I]

       org    constant                       ;[I] 
label  [blank|instruction|constant]          ;[I] 
       constant                              ;[I] 
The org directive can appear anywhere to set the starting instruction address
for all instructions that follow. If a constant is not present address 4 is 

If the OpCode position has an Integer Constant, then the value of that constant
is placed at the current address, and the program counter is advanced by one. 


* Any text appearing after a semi-colon (;) on a line will be considered a 
  comment and be ignored.

* All OpCodes, operands, and labels are NOT case sensitive.
* A line of assembly code consists of:
    - whitespace (spaces and tabs) OR an optional label followed by whitespace,
    - an OpCode followed by whitespace,
    - optional comma separated operands.
* Labels must start in column 1 and must begin with a letter. A label can stand
  alone on a line or can be followed by an OpCode or an Integer Constant. 
  Labels are used to determine a specific instruction address. An offset can be 
  added to a label's value when it is used and is defined by appending a + sign 
  followed by an Integer Constant, for example label+3.

* For addresses:
   I     - Immediate (Integer Constant)
   M     - Memory
  (M)    - Indirect
  M+X    - Indexed
 (M)+X   - Indirect Indexed
  A, B, X, and P are reserved address names for the four registers. Any address
  M beginning with a letter is assumed to be a label associated with the actual
  memory address who's value, obtained using the appropriate addressing mode,
  will be used in the operation. Any address beginning with a digit or a dash is 
  assumed to be an Integer Constant representing the actual value to be used.
* For jumps:
   NE   - Not equal to zero
   EQ   - Equal to zero
   LT   - Less than zero
   GE   - Greater than or equal to zero
   GT   - Greater than zero
   GLE  - Unconditional (greater or less or equal to zero)

* Integer Constants:
  Decimal - Decimal integers begin with a non-zero digit followed by zero or
            more decimal digits (0–9).
  Octal   - Octal integers begin with zero (0) followed by zero or more octal
            digits (0–7).
  Binary  - Binary integers begin with “0b” or “0B” followed by one or more
            binary digits (0, 1).
  Hex     - Hexadecimal integers begin with “0x” or “0X” followed by one or
            more hexadecimal digits (0–9, A–F). Hexadecimal digits can be 
            either uppercase or lowercase.
  Char    - Character values begin with a ' followed by a single character.
  Decimal Integer Constants can have a leading dash (-) to indicate a negative

I couldn't help but get into the 70's monospaced manual layout documentation vibe.  
