
Haptic Word Clock

A 8x8 haptic word clock using magnetic actuators based on PCB coils

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The clock is driven by 64 magnetic actuators based on PCB coils. It has 2 mm travel and is latching in both positions, i.e. power only needs to be applied when switching positions.

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bob.bryce wrote 04/15/2021 at 13:52 point

Very inventive!   Kind of wondering how you're spelling 'TWELVE'  ??

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Moritz v. Sivers wrote 04/15/2021 at 16:15 point

It is spelled "TWELeVEn". This is the downside of having only a 8x8 matrix instead of the proper 11x10 version.

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bob.bryce wrote 04/15/2021 at 19:14 point

Nice one!

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Kenneth Freeman wrote 04/15/2021 at 10:17 point

For the inverse aesthetic build  an Aztec barcode clock.

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Moritz v. Sivers wrote 04/15/2021 at 16:13 point

you mean like a haptic version of this?

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davedarko wrote 04/11/2021 at 16:48 point

That looks super cool!

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