Using 24 force-sensitive resistors, some ADCs, and an ESP-32, I've built a Bluetooth MIDI controller from an old Twister mat. The hardware is all battery powered and protected by a wooden case, so the mat can safely be placed close to falling bodies but far away from any expensive noise-making equipment.
See full build video in project details, and check the Github page for source code (coming soon).
Force Sensitive Resistor
One for each colored circle. I used ones with a 1.5" square target area.
1k ohm Resistor
To create voltage dividers with each FSR
MCP3008 (8 channel, SPI ADC)
3 X 8 channels == 1 channel per FSR
ESP-32 Dev Board
Any should work, but you'll need access to default SPI pins + 3 Chip select pins (I think you can use any GPIO for these)
Struggling to source components, and manage the influx of ludicrous¿? Ideas , like (newest) multi (controller) surface modes, ala osc/midi interfaces, to add tempo +/- , MTP, an X,Y floor sensor surface 📌, and a matrix, like a scale stepper trying to order something like this whilst (always:) learning everything I need to know, and source . which is pretty much everything!
Struggling to source components, and manage the influx of ludicrous¿? Ideas , like (newest) multi (controller) surface modes, ala osc/midi interfaces, to add tempo +/- , MTP, an X,Y floor sensor surface 📌, and a matrix, like a scale stepper trying to order something like this whilst (always:) learning everything I need to know, and source . which is pretty much everything!