
Detect Filament clog without change firmware

This is an independent laser motion sensor to sense filament clog or runout.

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Compare the movement of motor to the movement of the filament to detect clogged and runout.
if it detect the clog or runout,it will set the output signal line to zero voltage which tell the mother board to pause printing.
There is a micro controller on the board that read the sensor and process the algorithm instead of directly by motherboard that process this with the lowest priority and not fast enough sometimes,
it works with all other motherboard which have run out connector.
even if there is no run out pin on the motherboard, it can make beep alarm for your printer when it detect the filament clog or runout(do not need to change firmware in this mode)

more detail:

runout and clog test of laser filament sensor

,with the micro USB  you can get the raw data of the sensor and motor, update the mcu firmware, set sensitive value.

 if it detect the clog or runout,it will set the output signal line to zero voltage which tell the mother board to pause printing. 

so it works with all other motherboard which have run out connector


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Nagy Szabolcs wrote 09/03/2021 at 15:55 point

On the graph I don't see any difference between normal and clogged plots.

What should we see?

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mark wrote 09/05/2021 at 13:25 point

sorry for not clearly and confused :), the clog began at the point 15, we can see motor is moving but the movement of  filament is nearly zero. 

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