This is a selective jammer which interferes with ANY USB-3 controller out there.
It's a flyback transformer in the order of kilovolts but what's "special" is the frequency range at which it operates: 36 to 40 kilohertz.
As you can see in the video, it works from a distance. The inductor used to generate the magnetic field is your common pair of headphones. It's scalable and effective and, to now, there's no permanent damage that I know of.
The result is a "denial of service" type of attack which forces the user to reset the computer since the controller hangs totally and a reset is mandatory to regain access to the device.
It came out of an idea I had about studies I performed on wireless viruses injection through hardware registers in serial devices, back in 2016.
It's kind of lame, but it works.
I've tested it on tablets, desktop motherboards, pcie usb3 cards, laptops, even televisions, basically anything with USB-3.
What you need: - an arc lighter or any flyback transformer which can reach 3KV/millimeter with a frequency ranging from 36 to 40 kilohertz. -any pair of headphones.
For EXTRA LONG RANGE -a flyback transformer from a CRT monitor (or anything bigger) of 30KV modulated at the same aforementioned frequencies. -a loudspeaker, the bigger the better.
As you may expect, it follows the square law proportionally. Feel free to scale it as you please, according to your needs.