
Wireless HDMI notes

A project log for Home made laptop

Can a home made laptop finally cost less than a commercial one?

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 05/28/2021 at 02:010 Comments

Potato Guy had some news about wireless HDMI.  The mane problem is they have latency.  The latency of a camera viewfinder alone was 65ms.  An $1800 LCD monitor + camera got his latency to 135ms.  The monitor + camera + $650 wireless HDMI was 180ms.  So the high end wireless HDMI was 50ms.  A low end HDMI would be higher, so it wouldn't be very fun to type on.  A cheap monitor probably has the same latency as the $1800 monitor, because it's all in the camera's HDMI driver.

The best lions can gleam about the cheap HDMI bridges is they've gone up 50% in price like everything else in the last 6 months & their latency depends on range.  At short range, they don't have enough latency for the reviewers to complain.  The cheap ones have to be within a few feet or line of sight, which is good enough for lion applications.
