
FortyTwo Systems UNO

Arduino UNO compatible board, running at 5V with a 32-bit ARM core

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This board breaks out the SAMC21G microcontroller into a board that is a drop-in replacement for the Arduino UNO. Break free from the size and processing power limitations of the original Arduino UNO with a 32 bit ARM core.

The Arduino Uno's design has remained almost unchanged for more than a decade. It still uses the venerable ATMega328 processor, which is just as old. The Arduino Zero was released in 2015, based on the SAMD21 processor, an ARM Cortex-M0+ which was more expensive and only ran at 3.3V, instead of the 5V standard of most other Arduino boards.

In 2015, Atmel (now Microchip) released the SAMC line of processors. This series of processors is based on the ARM Cortex-M0+ core, can run at 3.3V or 5V, and even includes two onboard CAN controllers, making it perfect for both industrial applications and hobby applications.

The FortyTwo Systems UNO is the first Arduino-compatible board to feature this new processor. The board keeps the same form factor and pulls much of its electrical design from the Arduino UNO.

Project status:

  • Toolchain available and tested for Windows x86, Mac, Linux ARM32. Other arches coming very soon.
  • PCB designed and tested.
  • Bootloader written and tested.

  • Prime time

    Dave05/04/2021 at 18:12 5 comments

    Today's the day! The FortyTwo MEGA and the FortyTwo UNO are now on sale on Tindie. Check them out here:



    Shipping time is currently less than 2 weeks. There's a limited number of boards available due to the chip shortage.

    Currently, I still need to compile BOSSAC on Linux x86, finish the CAN library documentation, and make sure the core is bug-free. PlatformIO support is also pending. I'm hoping to have all of that done before the first board ships.

  • Hello, world!

    Dave05/04/2021 at 12:16 0 comments

    Here's the start of the public journey for the FortyTwo Systems UNO. Like the FortyTwo systems MEGA, the UNO is based on the SAMC21 microcontroller. I'm releasing both boards at the same time, but the global chip shortage is constricting supply of the chips needed so there will be limited supply until 2022.

    The Uno has been developed right alongside the MEGA, so for more details go check out the MEGA project page:

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