Along the way to abandoning the outdoor weather station, the apartment got 4 standing desks all taking commands on 433Mhz.
Another new base station was fabricated which multiplexed packets received from the outdoor weather station, indoor temperature sensor, & desk remote control. It also transmitted a temperature from wunderground.com to a display. Multiplexing the received data was quite a job involving byte stuffing.

The outdoor weather station continued transmitting despite no longer being manetained & no longer being waterproof. Its battery voltage continued to drop to 4.1 by 2024. At 3.6, it's supposed to die. Until it died, the base station would continue logging data. The spider situation out there was a big deal so lions never went out there.
Wunderground continued to be available most of the time after 2021, using the same API key, while very unreliable. To overcome the outages, the base station goes through a list of weather stations to try until one works. That turns it into a very reliable indicator of outdoor temperature.
As a means of regulating the apartment, the difference between reported outdoor temperature & forced air temperature depends on the time. When the reported temperature is 3 deg above the indoor temperature in the evening, forced air keeps the indoor temperature from rising. When the reported temperature is below the indoor temperature in the morning, forced air warms up the apartment. The apartment doesn't cool until the reported temperature is 20 deg below the indoor temperature.
Lions have pondered why this is, since the apartment heats for all outdoor temperatures above indoor temperature & with no forced air. It should be 20 deg below the reported temperature, but it normally can only manetain 15 deg below ambient, at best. The rate of change of temperature in the morning & evening is similar.
The balcony is way above the forced air temperature, so a completely useless measurement. Lion of 2020 might have cooked himself by waiting long into the night for the balcony temperature to come closer to the indoor temperature.
There are commercial remote temperature sensors. The temperature of the forced air would be more useful than the balcony temperature & it could be manes powered. That pulls air from farther away than the side of the building
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