Steve, I just found your null Meter project. I've started my own version of Conrad Hoffman's project, but I like yours a bit better because of the additional ranges and the differental meter function. Would you share the project files, especially the PCB files. I use Diptrace primarily, but also use Eagle.
I've uploaded a PDF of the schematic - as built. As noted in the video, an additional resistor would be required for best accuracy on the 1V range, but that is not shown here.
I used ExpressPCB for this, so I don't think the PCB files would do you any good as they are in a proprietary format.
Steve, I just found your null Meter project. I've started my own version of Conrad Hoffman's project, but I like yours a bit better because of the additional ranges and the differental meter function. Would you share the project files, especially the PCB files. I use Diptrace primarily, but also use Eagle.