

A project log for Modernish-Wireless-Retro-Joystick

Wii Remote & ESP32 based wireless joystick interface for Atari-style joysticks to keep busy little hands away from vintage hardware.

mulcmumulcmu 07/17/2021 at 12:320 Comments

A few options to keep things moving:

All the big US catalog distributors were out of stock.  There were a few options on ebay but all international with long shipping estimates.  Octopart showed a few international distributors with parts in stock, again with long shipping times.  Octopart showed a few other US distributors with stock that I contacted.  Most had pretty high minimum order amounts, but I got lucky with South Electronics

They waived the minimum order amount, accepted paypal payment, and shipped same day.  Parts delivered in 3 days!
