I'm skipping over the post I was going to do on timer interrupts to just fawn over the fact that I finally ordered my first ever custom PCBs, which are for this project. I had to bite the bullet and order the board because I'm designing the body in parallel, and I'm going to need the guts of the clock done and fully assembled before I can finalize the design of the body. Sent this to oshpark.com, I should have it in less than a month. While their preview images are purple, I went with the After Dark motif.
I spent a lot of time working on making it a piece of art - I can see why Steve Wozniak redid the Apple motherboard just to get it slightly better. This is all through-hole tech, no attempting surface mount soldering for board number 1! The 8 jumpers at the bottom correspond to the 8 pins on the Arduino I have not yet used. I know I'll be using 4 of them for signals from the buttons, but which ones exactly I'm not sure of yet, so this gives me the flexibility to get the board made now and figure out the buttons later.

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