
Soft Robotics Workshop

A project log for FlowIO Platform

Miniature, modular pneumatics toolkit for control & sensing of Soft Robots and Programmable Materials, developed at MIT Media Lab

ali-shtarbanovAli Shtarbanov 02/25/2022 at 23:530 Comments

We are organizing a workshop on soft robotics at the ACM CHI'22 Conference. This workshop will explore how to make soft robotics research, prototyping, and innovation more accessible to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers and designers. The goals are (a) to examine the various challenges faced when developing projects involving soft and programmable matter, (b) to explore what new tools and resources are needed to address those challenges, and (c) to identify the opportunities that exist to make the design, prototyping, and control of such projects easily accessible to researchers and non-researchers.

The workshop is titled “Actuated Materials and Soft Robotics Strategies for Human-Computer Interaction Design“ and can accommodate up to 30 participants virtually or in person. We invite submissions that demonstrate challenges and new opportunities related to the design, fabrication, implementation, or deployment of soft robotics for interaction design. Submissions can also be on any other topic related to the workshop goals. 

We will also be having FlowIO devices available to participants!!

The full call for participation with all relevant details can be found at


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