
Fonts, Fonts, Fonts

A project log for Number Matrix

A matrix built from sixteen boards each containing eight - four character seven segment displays for a total of 4096 individual segments.

seasleyeceseasleyece 06/11/2021 at 21:431 Comment

I decided I needed some fonts then I got carried away and ended up with like 6-7 sizes and types... oh well.  The fancy 6x6 font is an adaption of the one seen on Here.  Not 100% sure who the originator is. 

Font 2x2 - Covers ASCII characters 0x30 to 0x5F... Google it
Font 2x2 - Covers ASCII characters 0x30 to 0x5F... Google it
Font 2x3 - Covers 0-9, Colon, A and P
Font 3x3 - Covers 0-9, Colon, A and P
Font 6x6ish - Covers 0-9, Colon, A and P
Font 6x6ish - Covers 0-9, Colon, A and P
Font 7x9 - Covers 0-9.  Largest font to fit on the display and still show time.
Font 7x9 - Covers 0-9. Largest font to fit on the display and still show time.


David Plass wrote 01/13/2025 at 17:00 point

This is just so cool. I'm inspired to make a 16x2 line LED clock with your 2x2 fonts. 

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