
Issues to be fixed in the next revision

A project log for OpenRPNCalc

Open-source and open-hardware custom scientific RPN calculator

anton-poluektovAnton Poluektov 02/15/2025 at 14:202 Comments

A few (or, in fact, quite a lot) modifications I plan for the next revision of the hardware based on my experience with rev. 2 so far.


Casing and keyboard: 

For now, I only have the render of the sandwich of all the PCBs from KiCAD imported to Blender (no LCD 3D model here). With such a tight design, checking everything in the 3D CAD program was essential, hope I haven't missed anything important. More news in a few weeks when the PCBs arrive.


ziggurat29 wrote 02/16/2025 at 15:28 point

Have you considered adding IR capability?  It used to be used for printing only (e.g. in the HP42), and then later for device-to-device exchange (e.g. HP48).
If you were to consider such, I would humbly suggest using an IrDA module attached to some UART-capable pins as this will give you the most flexibility in your firmware for various features without having to later alter your hardware design.

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Anton Poluektov wrote 02/16/2025 at 16:36 point

No, I was considering USART mostly as a debug interface for firmware development (e.g. with CircuitPython). Of course, one could add IrDA, Bluetooth etc., but I already have a cell phone with me ;)

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