It came to pass that the trackpad firmware had a bug where it would usually fail to initialize the Elan 33059 without a few resets. Resetting the microcontroller rather than unplugging USB seemed to be required to get it to start. That pointed to needing another delay for the Elan 33059. The delay seemed to help but it still required many power cycles to start.
The next improvement would be soft touch buttons for the trackpad. There's less danger of chinese pinball buttons causing injury because they're thumb activated. That requires an enclosure. The trackpad has been horrendous, overall. Lions have been pondering proper drawing features like text entry, 3 point curves, baked note shapes. Maybe a partial keyboard on the pointing device would replace the menu.
The next question was a music composition program. The problem is nowadays, that's more of a legal battle since every combination of notes is copyrighted. Any original composition just ends up funding someone else's mortgage. It might be acceptable if it wasn't for the fact that funding someone else's mortgage causes your rent to go up but productivity of any kind is a loss for renters. The only way productivity isn't a loss is by having equity.
After 3 years, this dual raspberry pi system began to die so frequently as to become almost unusable. It seemed to be the piss poor network driver, but more likely they're just wearing out. They have no frequency scaling but run at 700Mhz constantly.
Rather than try any more fixes, it would ideally be replaced with newer 1920x1080 monitors driven by a single raspberry pi. The problem is the final solution was always seen as a single 4k monitor. Except for that, the next best solution would be dual 4:3 monitors, but 4:3 is super expensive. Lions envision a time when 4:3 comes back to mass production because of vertical video.
1920x1080 got a lot cheaper than 3 years ago but would still be a hefty tag & a lot heavier than the 1366x768's. Head mounted displays with the required resolution would still be too expensive. The monitors could be stripped down to the modules again.
The dual raspberry pi was most reliable when they were all connected to another switch. Things went downhill after they went on a new switch from a day job closet so there was a chance the new switch was the problem. In hind sight, the smart move might have been not to touch the damn thing & leave 3 network cables on the floor as they were. Changing ports & cables temporarily got it more reliable, but it eventually died.

Finally added some insulators under the boards & chat gpt made a smarter script to keep the network alive.
while [ 1 ]; do
sleep 1
if ! ifconfig eth0 | grep -q ""; then
echo "drop kicking eth0"
ifconfig eth0 netmask
This once again made it temporarily more reliable, but it regressed the longer it stayed on. Network & USB both seemed to be failing. The way they started out functional & regressed over time pointed to some thermal degradation. They were about as slow as bearable at 700Mhz. Lowering the clockspeed wouldn't be an option.
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