HydraBus v1.0 Rev1.5 In Stock on DigiKey:
Features of the HydraBus board:
- Very small board only 60mm x 37mm size (extensible with shield which can be connected on top or bottom)
- Include transparent acrylic case with screws and hex (to be assembled)
- Programming firmware through USB DFU (without any debugger) with USB1 FS
- Debug/Programming through low cost SWD Debug connector (can be programmed/debugged using an ultra low cost NUCLEO F401RE for less than 15US$)
- Two USB Female Type C port (1 OTG and 1 Device/Host) with ESD protection
- MicroSD slot with 4bit SD and SDIO mode support in hardware (up to 48MHz about 24MB/s)
- Reset & User Button (Enter USB DFU at PowerOn) with User Led (can be disabled to reuse I/O for other stuff)
- Breakout of all 44 I/O (some are used by MicroSD and USB 1&2)
- MCU ARM 32-bit
Cortex M4+FPU up to 168MHz& 1MB Embedded Flash
- Power consumption of less than 100mA/3.3V with all peripherals enabled
- Ultra low power mode (down to less than 2mA for specific treatment)
- Hardware doc, schematic/board, pinout, template are available on github: https://github.com/bvernoux/hydrabus/tree/master/hardware
- For more details on HydraBus Hardware see http://hydrabus.com/hydrabus-1-0-hw-detailed/
- Hardware license CC BY NC (for commercial license contact info@hydrabus.com)
optional HydraNFC Shield a high
performance NFC board with Antenna based on TI TRF7970A
NFC chipset (and
fully supported by hydrafw)
- See latest HydraNFC Shield v2 too
- Support optional HydraLINCAN Shield Dual CAN Bus and LIN Bus Shield for Hydrabus (and fully supported by hydrafw)
- For more details see http://hydrabus.com/buy-online
Features of HydraBus/HydraNFC open source embedded native firmware (hydrafw):
open source software, main software Licensed
under the Apache License, Version 2.0
and linked part:
- STM32CubeF4 HAL open-source BSD license,
- ChibiOS 3.0 licensed as GPL3/Apache 2.0 and other commercial license if required,
- tokenline licensed as GPL 2.0 or later,
- FatFs license BSD/GNU GPL
Virtual Serial
Port access through microUSB with VT100 terminal/shell (compatible
with any hardware supporting USB Virtual Serial port)
- 2 USB-C port can be used (managed by multi-task OS), useful to test multiple protocols, gpio/adc/dac… in 2 terminal
- Support of microSD (FAT16/FAT32) card up to 32GB (tested with SanDisk Extreme 32GB and lot of other cards)
protocols supported (from any VT100 console through USB):
- ADC (up to 3.3V, can read internal Temperature, VrefInt, VBAT)
- DAC1 or 2 (up to 3.3V, triangle, noise)
- PWM (Frequency from 1Hz to 42MHz, Duty Cycle 0 to 100%)
- Frequency (Read Frequency on PC6 pin)
- GPIO (In/Out/Open-Drain internal PullUp/PullDown) up to 44 I/O configurable (PA0-15, PB0-11, PC0-15 support range & wildcard)
- SPI1 or 2 (master & slave up to 42MHz)
- I2C (master up
to 1MHz)
- 1-wire (up to 1MHz)
- 2-wire (up to 1MHz)
- 3-wire (up to 1MHz)
- UART1 or 2 (up to 10.5Mbps)
- CAN1 or 2 (up to 2 Mbit/s)
Logic Analyzer
mode up to 2MHz 16chan with SUMP support
- Compatible with ols- see http://ols.lxtreme.nl see also ols profile for hydrabus https://github.com/bvernoux/hydrafw/blob/master/ols.profile-hydrabus.cfg
- Compatible with sigrok: sigrok-cli & PulseView see http://sigrok.org
- SWD and JTAG scanner/debugger mode like JTAGulator
- BusPirate-compatible OpenOCD binary mode
- NAND Flash
- Wiegand
- RNG (Random number generator using STM32 hardware RNG)
- Binary Mode (compatible with BusPirate BBIO/Bitbang)
- PIN mode to manage up to 8 GPIO pins
- SPI mode
- I2C mode
- 1-Wire mode
- Raw-Wire mode (2-Wire & 3-Wire mode)
- UART mode
- CAN mode
- NAND Flash
- See Wiki for more details: https://github.com/bvernoux/hydrafw/wiki
- Planned features / Task List:
Alternative firmware for HydraBus :
- Official Micro Python firmware ported to HydraBus
- Official BlackMagic (JTAG/SWD Debugger) firmware ported to Hydrabus
more info on firmware see github:
latest official release of hydrafw (pre-built version) see github:
more info on hardware for HydraBus see github: