I maked remote control for the vehicle using WebRTC.
I have a website hosted in Glitch where I've running NodeJS+WebRTC.
First user that enter in website application acts as WebRTC server and this have controls to drive the client vehicle.
JETSON in vehicle has connected a WIFI adapter and this adapter is connected to mobile ISP data.
When Jetson verify for internet connection opens Chromium and load the Glitch website as second user (client). Then it make P2P pair with server, share webcam connected to Jetson and then active WebUSB to communicate Chromium with the microchip MCU by USB.
Server can previsualize the client webcam and send commands to it by WebRTC DataChannel.
Now the vehicle has the following functions:
- Automated drive by detecnet pursuing silhouettes.
- Short distance remote control by two ESP8266 modules (Access point in remote controll and Station in vehicle)
- Long distance remote control by WebRTC and the ISP data.
Now I need to see how I going to attach batteries (which I don't have) :)
If some day we are confined again (I hope that doesn't happen) I will be able to see what happens in the street xDDD
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