

A project log for NSCE-ngbrain

scalable hardware for neural network system

3drobert3drobert 02/17/2022 at 18:320 Comments

Still I'm neofite about LTP and currently I'm reading and investigating. This is for other things differently of backprop and the robot part I'm currently to have and it's not have relation "by the moment".

About LTP I was commenting about one filter on weights but reading something more it's not well oriented that I said.

Long term potentiation happens on high frecuency pre & post sinaptic activity.

Long term depression happens on low frequency pre & post sinaptic activity.

Simply I will need detect an high and low pre-post activity and his frecuency value

10Hz = 0.1 = LTD

100Hz = 1.0 = LTP

then only multiply this delta value by the weight value (value+=inputNeuron*weight*0.1) for a controlled value propagation like momentum or a capacitor (low farads=voltage increase more quickly=LTP)(high farads=voltage increase more slowly=LTD) and starting with 0.5 I think... and getting back to 0,5 "with the time" :)

I will use this thread for updates about this. :D
