
The first two hardware plattforms: pxlBlck_SlotClock & pxlBlck_Pot

A project log for pxlBlck - An unobtrusive home information display

A multifunctional home display and optical notification system for everyone

fabianFabian 05/31/2021 at 14:430 Comments

Please see the first two hardware platforms of the pxlBlck family. :)


The pxlBlck_Pot is basically a 3D printed flower planter. A 32×8 WS2812 LED matrix can be inserted into this. The whole functionality of the pxlBlck can thus be invisibly integrated into a flower pot.

The LED matrix cannot be seen when it is not switched on. The display is only visible on the outside when the LEDs are activated.

More info incl. detailed build log and material list is available here:


The pxlBlck_SlotClock consists of a 1×60 LED matrix. It can display the time in the same way as an analog clock. The colors of the individual hands can be adjusted. Hour markers can also be displayed. This makes orientation and reading the time a little easier. :)

Animations can also be shown on the LED display to provide information about events.

More info incl. detailed build log and material list is available here:



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