
Update 1: User Controls / 3D-Printed Case

A project log for NeuralPi

NeuralPi is a guitar pedal using neural networks to emulate real amps and pedals on a Raspberry Pi 4.

keith-bloemerKeith Bloemer 07/14/2021 at 13:050 Comments

Update: Milestone 2 for user controls has been implemented in NeuralPi v1.1. The NeuralPi hardware can be controlled over a local WiFi network using a remote instance of the NeuralPi plugin/standalone app. Controls include model select, EQ, gain/volume. Mac/Windows installers are available from the GuitarML website. Info on updating with new model files can be found on the Github Readme. New Pedal / Amp captures are available on the GuitarML ToneLibrary site


A 3-D printed case has been created and shared by a generous user of NeuralPi.  The STL files for printing your own case can be downloaded from the GuitarML website.



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