
CNC,3D printer motherboard,ESP32, 8 motors

Use ESP32 as the MCU of motherboard for 3D printer.

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PandaZHU use ESP32 as the MCU of motherboard for 3D printer.
while PandaM4 is designed for drop in Creality ender printer.


it has larger memory and more powerful than normal 32bit motherboard.Two 240MHz MCU,4MB memory
support 8 motor drivers and three heaters with one fast expand GPIO chip.
the speed of uploading gcode file is 10 times faster than it as a wifi module.
play music(mp3/wav) when printer boot or printing finished...
Easy to use:

upload marlin firmware through wifi with browser.
upload gcode file, configure printer and control printer wireless with browser.


In addition to marlin, you can also run Grbl (CNC controller) on PandaZHU


  • Two 32-bit MCU ,240MHz
  • 520 KBytes SRAM
  • 4M Bytes Flash memory
  • there are 24 more GPIOs(only as output) with a expander, the communication speed is 1.4MHz, and the actual speed of gpio output is 70kHz jitter free stepping that can drive the X/Y axis to speed 900mm/s .
  • WiFi | 802.11 b/g/n/d/e/i/k/r (802.11n up to 150 Mbps)
  • Bluetooth | Bluetooth v4.2
  • support 8 Motor drivers
  • 3 heaters
  • support 3 thermistors (30°C~250°C,can not read the value below 30°)
  • BLtouch/ support wild range voltage 5V~36V Inductive sensor NPN.
  • LCD128*64/PandaTouchScreen/DGUS touch screen(XH2.54 or RJ11)
  • Support mixed use of 5V/24V fans,3 of them are controllabe fans
  • Play music at boot, Error/alarm music..
  • Real-time operating systems (RTOS)
  • Control printer, upload files with web browser

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