
Perspex Waveguide

A project log for Holographic Wavefront Cylindrical Display

A 360-degree cylindrical display driven by Holographic Wavefront Projection Principles

andrew-kadisAndrew Kadis 06/14/2021 at 09:520 Comments

One of the big copncerns with the project is that it would not be possible to build a suitably transparent optical waveguide out of perspex. The resultant scatter would result in the breakdown of the wavefront structure and the display might not work. Hence, several tubes were procured to see if suitable waveguides could be constructed.

The tubes were cut to size.using a hacksaw and then a manual-milling machine. The finish after the milling machine was resaonable, but had to be further polished for the required optical performance

The polishing was performed using a polishing kit from RS and an electric hand-drill:

It was a two-stage process (first the coarse and then the fine mops seen above). The results were excellent, the quality of the finish is exemplary as can be seen below:

The waveguide can be viewed like a telescope, and works for both imaging as well as projecting wavefront (see both below):

Finally, it is possible to see the different TIR effects looking down the pipe, when looking at a darker object, this results in a very beautiful view of nature in action.
