I am Dutch , me english is not the best on earth.
Reindier is a genderblender artist.
He want to work in new special ways with makers in the field.
To create a kind of neo-scifi stylisimo for his shows and videoclips.
When we met Reindier. He wanted to make a videoclip. We wanted to introduce a simple element , that he could later on use on his stage. It became a hoelahoop.
We also made some tentacles , with checking out ideas on Thingiverse , and upgrade them to be usable onstage.
Its used in this videoclip :
Thanks to those clips and some 3d renders for a awesome stage , we got the money together to go and start for multiple months to create a awesome stage.
Its a little hectic now. So i will just put the stuff that i placed on insta online here. So that you can see what we have done.
We created concepts for a awesome stage.
We first build some mockups in Fusion360. And then afterwards we did a mini mockup of the most important elements. They all liked it , so we started to cut steel.
We started to develop our own giant laser thingie, to carve the shapes thjat we needed. We are going full on voronoi !
Laser thingie here : https://a360.co/3gNtZsr
We started to test if we could use Artnet
Together with Resolume
It behaved nicely. :)
3D Scanning
We asked Reindier to let him scan himself in a 3d scan room , controlled by raspberry pi's. We used that data to model plates that would fit to his body perfectly , with a displacement shape , based on obsidian/voronoi displacement. Mostly using 3dsmax (indie license) and Fusion360. The shapes have been vacuformed using our own made facuform machine : https://a360.co/3wLIF1X
Boom (Trees)
We developed our 'trees' even better. We placed a hoelahoop on top , to be controlled by teensy's en WS2812 RGBW leds (NEOPIXELS RGBW).
Tree can bwe found here :
The model is work in progress. Now busy with making it transportable, hahaha :).
Our trees for Reindier show became more concrete , so we started to cut out steel and bend it !
We started to work out a second version of our HoelaHoops.
LedHoepels (Hoolahoops)
Get a load of pain in the arms , for bending all that iron !
Hahahaha :).
Fusion360 model here :
This is now in the transportation moment , so we are designer the transport case.
We stil called it Stoel (Chair). But it has became the centerpiece swirling thingie that looks awesome. Meastro Reindier can stand inside. And the hoelahoop will burn with the neopixels. And we make everything on a big accu with transofrmer with a arduino 33 iot. To make it turn around without a cable. Cotnrolled by artnet to individually adress each pixel.
Fusion360 model here :
The 'zetsels' are voronoi shapes with artnet controlled leds behind them. We have cut them out on our own selfbuild cnc. We made hundreds of them !
Zetsels here : https://a360.co/3zI7spJ
CNC here : https://a360.co/2SRhu74
Klosjes here : https://a360.co/2SRiYya
I reached the max upload limit on youtube ! Later i will upload some more :)