I've just added a new sample code for Arduino that connect to minitel websocket servers.
That is an other way to (re)discover the minitel experience ! (see previous log about Socketel)
Compared to Socketel :
- it is written in C (instead of micropython), so it boot quickly,
- it is more stable thanks to the very nice websocket library available for Arduino. Some bugs have been observed with socketel seemingly due to memory issues,
- it does not have a user interface for minitel, wifi and server configuration. so you need to recompile with your own parameters.
Conveniently, you can connect to teletel or 3615.de which are "kiosk service" which provide access to other minitel services.
Link to source code : Minitel1B_Websocket_Client.ino
Enjoy !
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Tested and approved.
WebSocket Arduino's implementation is far more stable than µPython's one.
Here's the first overview of what I've been able to capture from a real Minitel mother board : http://www.teletel.org/2022-03-04-14-57-48.mp4 with direct hardware video converstion.
There's still many noise and issues in the hardware color rendering but this is exactly what one may see using one very common real Minitel model (RTIC M1b) - at 4800 Bds (4 times faster than was possible with the V23 modem).
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