Fired it up again, manely as a humidifier for exceptionally dry air rather than to cool the room. 2021 onward were characterized by persistent offshore flows. The marine layer of the historic climate is all but gone.

A very expensive indoor hydrometer was built to know when it was safe to print TPU & to know what effect the swamp cooler has on the air. The AHT20 board is a waste of money. There are fully assembled hydrometers for a lot less money which can be scavenged for parts. The mane desire was a larger display.
The swamp cooler ended up adding 5% when there's no ventilation. When the room is ventilated, it doesn't add any significant amount of water. It has a surprisingly limited ability to hydrate the air. The biggest effect on humidity comes from taking a shower. That adds 3% despite the bathroom having an exhaust fan.
There's still a desire to improve the airflow around it by making it smaller & make it waste less water. The transducers can be closer together. The front lid can be a single piece. Wires should go straight up & have a hot glue channel instead of scotch. The bottom of the water tank can be higher than the screws & diagonal. The bottom corners don't have to be square. The water sensor still needs a gap.
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