
MycoHub wiring design consideration update

A project log for MycoHub

A comprehensive mycology platform; a clean box, a lab incubator, a "smart" spawn and fruiting chamber with online data tracking for research

jonathanJonathan 07/16/2021 at 15:221 Comment


I initially started this project intending it to be just the 'MycoBox', a raspberry pi monitored and controlled chamber for spawning and fruiting. However, I soon realized the MycoBox is nearly a perfect bench-top space for including a complete mycology lab as well! So, my wiring design is in need of an update. 

Initial Idea:

I like to keep data and clock lines from my controllers to my sensors as short as possible, as a best practice I think, so I intended to place the raspberry pi in an insulated box inside the chamber right below the sensor pole ( front door pole that holds the CO2, humidity, and temperature sensors). 

This way I could run relay wires under the floor and over to the relay panel out of sight, and run a few data lines neatly up the pole to the sensors. 

New idea & why I'm changing the design:

Summary: The Raspberry Pi will live above the MycoBox and below the MycoLab in a ventilated access panel for easy construction and maintenance, instead of inside the MycoBox chamber.  


Jonathan wrote 07/16/2021 at 16:36 point

I'll be uploading more info about the build so far, and the software of course!

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